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Shukry Abouchar Family History.pdf

Jackie Homsy OKeefe.png
Jackie discusses the impact that religion had on her life. She speaks about the Melkite Church, which is related to the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch and is mainly centered in Syria, Jordan, Israel and Palestine. She also speaks about her family's…

The Origin of the Family Surname
This image explains the origin of the Homsy surname.

Jackie Homsy OKeefe.png
Jackie reflects on how her father's native language affected his way of communicating in English as well as how her Middle Eastern cultural identity is based in such things as traditional foods.

Jackie Homsy OKeefe.png
The interviewee talks about her family's history as they migrated from one country to another.

Homsy Storefront.jpeg

Jackie Homsy OKeefe.png
Jackie speaks about the traditional holidays that she experienced as a child. She talks about the traditional foods that her family would prepare.

This Scalar project aims to depict the circumstances of Arab-Americans prior to the contemporary political climate.

This project undertook the construction of a testimonial narrative on the immigrant experience and through a series of four face-to-face interview sessions, the project captured, understood and documented the family life and history of Jackie Homsy…

Abouchar Family Migration
This is an account of the migration of the Abouchar family
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